Please get in touch to find out about the next available training sessions.
Duration: 1 day
Designed for: This courseware is designed for existing users of Inventor who want to learn the new features and functionalities that have been added to the latest release.
Prerequisites: Previous Inventor experience is necessary, and drafting, design, or engineering experience is a plus. It is also recommended that you have a working knowledge of Microsoft supported operating systems.
Course Description: This course is designed for the existing Inventor users who require comprehensive training in the latest software release. It incorporates the features, commands, and techniques for creating, modelling and editing within Inventor. Hands-on exercises are used throughout the course to explore the product enhancements from sketching and 3D
modelling to production drawings.
After this training, participants will be able to:
• Become familiar with the new Inventor user interface.
• Understand the new fundamental concepts and features of Inventor.
• Use the freeform tools and direct editing functions available within the software.
• Understand the multiple enhancements made to the various modelling environments.
• Develop a level of comfort and confidence with Inventor through hands-on experience
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