Advance Design Technical FAQs | Graitec - UK

Advance Design Technical FAQs

How is a contour converted into a planar element?
How is the structure managed in the Advance Design Pilot?
How is an opening created in a planar element?
How are the symmetry modes used in Advance Design?
How do I configure the tooltip options?
How are the different methods of copying or moving by translation used?
How is a modeling error that prevents the calculation quickly identified?
What are the loads display options?
How do I use the new functions ‘Subdivide’ and ‘Allowed deformation’ on the ‘CAD Modifications’ toolbar?
In what coordinate system can the Advance Design results be expressed?
What is SxxMax and SxxMin on a linear element?
How do I export from Advance Design to Advance Steel?
How is a truss modeled in Advance Design?
How are the grid lines defined in Advance Design?
How can I quickly create supports at the building’s ground level?
How can I define the windwall load distribution for the roof of a steel structure?
How can I create haunches for steel beams ?
How are user sections automatically optimized ?
How is the rigid diaphragm behavior of slabs simulated?
How are modal analysis hypotheses defined?
How are subsystems created in Advance Design?
How are purlins correctly positioned on roof beams?
How is the system tree imported / exported?
How are variable loads defined?
How are the mass and rigidity center coordinates automatically obtained for each level of a structure?
How are wind loads generated on a billboard according to Eurocode 1?
How are circular tanks modeled?
How is an eccentric compression force for a column modeled?
How is an elastic linear support modeled?
How are result curves used?
How can we design a flat slab with a column head?
How can a slab be defined with a drop panel?
How can we automatically generate the water pressure on the walls of a pool?
How are the two deflection criteria from the steelwork design properties list used?
How is a report customized?
How can we automatically design the soil pressure over a wall?
How is a temperature variation load modeled?
How is a coupling beam modeled?
How can a Dynamic rebar solution be applied and modified in Advance Design?
How can we modify the location of an element without changing its connections with the structure?
How can a Dynamic Reinforcement be exported from Advance Design to Advance Concrete and how can a new Dynamic reinforcement solution be added in Advance Design?
How is a dynamic load defined?
How is a user-defined section designed using the calculation program?
How are the interaction curves for column verification used according to Eurocode 2?
How are the deflections of structural elements displayed?
How are wall boundary elements modeled?
How is the ‘Rules definition’ command used?
How is the bending rigid structure option used?
How is a steel joint defined and calculated?
How can we use the Snap modes in Advance Design?
How are the results at the foundation level displayed?
How is an imposed displacement load designed?
How is the direction of the seismic load defined?
How are the post-processing views used?
How is the calculation on steps option used?
How can we organize the structural elements in Systems and Subsystems?
How can I reduce the amount of memory required by the calculation?
How are steel joints calculated using the new Advance Design Steel Connections module?
How is a beam to wall connection designed?
How is the section optimization wizard configured?
How is GRAITEC Revit Link installed?
How are coffered ceilings designed?
How is a tube to tube intersection modeled?
How is a slab with hinged boundary designed?
How is the drift of a multistory structure automatically verified?
How are torsors on a walls group displayed in a user-defined coordinate system?
How are column heads automatically created?
How are the general mesh options used?
How is the mesh on linear elements modified?
How is the mesh on planar elements modified?
How are geometry elements used for modifying a mesh?
How are semi rigid connections on linear elements created?
How are ordinary tensioned bolts verified using the new Advance Design Steel Connections module?
What is the output convention for planar element internal stresses?
How is a nonlinear analysis created?
How is a structure with cables designed ?
How is a seismic calculation performed using an elastic spectrum or a design spectrum?
How are wind loads automatically generated?
What are the representations of the areas of longitudinal reinforcement?
How are families of envelopes defined in the descriptive model managed?
How are the envelopes of loadings managed ?
How are loads created in a faster way on linear / planar elements?
How are newly created loads / connections named depending on the element to which they belong?
How are load combinations generated with a concomitance matrix?
What are the available calculated steel connections from Advance Design Steel Connections?
How is the tension state of a linear element displayed?
What are the roles to form the bolt row groups for the EC3 verifications for the bolted connections?
How are clipped results displayed?
How are templates for element properties created?
How is an existing tree of systems copied faster in the Pilot?
What is the Advance Design Steel Connection module and how can be used?
How can the user modify joint support beams properties in Advance Design Steel Connection?
How is the global real reinforcement defined in a planar element for cracking control?
What are the load combinations exported from Advance Design to the Advance Design Steel Connection module for joint calculations?
How are the crack widths displayed in a planar element?
How can different types of calculation reports be generated in Advance Design Steel Connection?
How can timber sections be optimized?
How are the load cases and the load combinations defined in Advance Design Steel Connection?
How are loads defined for joints with multiple secondary beams in Advance Design Steel Connection?
What is the significance of the torsor results?
How are the welds verified using the Advance Design Steel Connection module?
How is the fire verification for steel linear elements performed?
How are different characteristics defined on different wind directions?
How is the gusset shaped for a joint with multiple secondary beams?
What are the available sections for Gusset connections for calculation in Advance Design Steel Connection?
How can a gusset be connected to a main beam?
Which settings should be made for the graphical video card for an optimal use of the CAD functions in ADVANCE Design?
What is the algorithm used for the KTZ calculation from elastic supports?
How to use the new ‘Check control’ command?
How is used the Auto Trim & Extend command for correcting small modeling errors?
How to create a user defined Load Combinations .cbn file
How to perform one-way slab modeling in Advance Design 2018