Autodesk Vault has powerful search functionality built into it, which works seamlessly out of the box. Think of the search in Vault, as a “Google Like” search engine for your data.
Sometimes a search returns too many results. This is where filters come in, Filters allow you to drill down into your data, making your current views, and search results even more specific.
The filters in Vault are fundamentally a custom view on top of your current view. As you create and use new filters, they are cached by Vault making them re-usable the next time you want to drill deeper into the data in front of you.
Filters are an efficient way of taking the sorting you’ve already added to your data and narrowing the results even further.
See our overview video below which explains the “Filter” function in Autodesk Vault in a little more detail.
Alternatively, to discuss any Autodesk Vault requirements you or your business may have, just click on the button below.
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